Thursday, July 7, 2011

Up In The Air--both us, and the launch!

Kamille and Matthew with Terrance Howard
We are about one hour from landing in Orlando, and so far, everything has been going smoothly.  Everyone got here early (thanks to all the families!), we checked in without a hitch, and both of our flights left on time.  We flew right over the Grand Canyon, which was pretty cool.  Lots of comments about seeing cacti and desert for the first time.  Dashed for a quick lunch at the food court in Phoenix and got on our next leg.
The pilot announced a little while ago that there's a 70% chance of the shuttle NOT launching tomorrow because of the thunderstorms, and I can attest to the fact that it's bumpy out there right now, but we'll cross our fingers.  And at least we have Saturday and Sunday to work around!
The other big excitement is that Terrance Howard, the actor (Hustle and Flow, Iron Man, Crash) is on our flight.  He was very gracious about letting us snap photos with him. Hopefully they can text those to some of their family!
Pretty crazy that you can blog while in the air with the inflight wireless.  It sure helps pass the time!


  1. Keep up the good work, Laura. Pretty cool about the actor being on board. I even recognized him right off.

  2. I thought he was an astronaut -- I've really gotta get out more!
